Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Too Legit to Quit!

I finally feel like all my hard work has paid off! It's only been almost ten years, but I'm finally graduating, woot woot! AND I am also, officially, a certified interpreter. I have the paper to prove it! 
I took my secondary educational interpreting test in March and received the results in the mail this last Saturday. I'm still waiting to get my Utah Level 1 results back, which will be far more useful, but that doesn't down play the Secondary Educational Certification that I have!
I also did my internship at Weber State this semester. I worked with some amazing people and I feel really lucky to have had the opportunity to work them. They have offered me a job pending my Level 1 results (which is where I would prefer to work because it's close to home and the hours would be more flexible). 
It only took me ten years to get on the track that I wanted and have some kind of focus, but at least I figured it out right? Some people never do!
It's so nice to officially say that I am a sign language interpreter/transliterater.

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